Blog Articles

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16 Aug 2021

How To Select the Best CRM for Your Immigration Firm

As an immigration firm, we can not overstate the importance of your clients. In fact, there's no doubt that they're the most valuable asset that your firm has. But here's the problem, managing them ca...
07 Jun 2021

The Benefits of an Intelligent CRM for Immigration Firms

How do you keep track of your clients? Typically, most immigration firms use Excel spreadsheets to keep track of their clients at the most basic level. This is simple if you don't have many clients, b...
05 May 2021

Why Use PandaDoc and Stripe?

How does your current document workflow look like? Do you still send PDFs to customers via email, letting them sign the document and fax it back to you? Maybe your customers take one step further, sca...
17 Jan 2019

What is Lead Nurturing and How Does it Generate Sales?

When it comes to your firm, you’ve set up your sales strategy - search for prospects, show them a demo or presentation, and then look to close the deal. However, you may notice that the amount of lead...
09 Jan 2019

New Sales Strategy - Inbound Sales Methodology

Inbound Sales came to be because buyers have changed the way they shop and as a result, there was a shift of power from seller to buyer. In the past, potential customers who were looking to invest or ...
25 Sep 2018

4 Ways Sales Enablement can be Supercharged by Marketing Efforts

We’ve spoken a great deal on developing and producing quality marketing content to attract prospects to your firm, and doing so helps your firm reap multiple benefits. What your marketing team creates...
26 Jul 2018

3 Questions to Ask Yourself to Improve Your Competitive Advantage in Marketing & Sales

It’s with no doubt that the buying behaviour has evolved. As buyers start doing their own research first before consulting an salesperson, they’re now at the helm of deciding how they want their inter...
25 Jul 2018

4 Benefits of CRM for Salespeople to Win and Love Selling

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software is nothing new but there are still many financial service firms out there that do not have one. The benefits of CRM is nothing to be ignored. A CRM soft...
12 Jul 2018

Aligning your Sales & Marketing Teams with Sales Enablement

The buyer’s behaviour has changed. The days where salespeople are consulted at the beginning of the sales process is long gone. The reason being is because the Internet, more than ever, is shifting th...
05 Jul 2018

A Quick Introduction to Inbound Sales

In this day in age, there are many challenges companies and their sales team face, several which canbe described with the 5 following statements: